or lack of it

Let me first say what I mean by ‘anointing’. It is the evidence of God’s intervention in a man or woman’s ministry, enabling that which it is humanly impossible to do. E.g. Moses’ rod parting the Red Sea; Peter’s words raising the paralytic; Billy Graham’s words bringing conviction; Yorrie Richards speaking without stuttering; unlearned men like Keith Price and A W Tozer revealing jewels from God’s Word, etc. When was the last time you left a meeting, knowing that God had ‘broken in’ upon the service? Too often the meeting is so well organized that God has no opportunity to intervene. We all know the story of the Christian Chinese man who visited North America. On returning home he was asked what he thought of the churches there. “O they are so wonderful” he explained, “but I am amazed how much they can do without the Holy Spirit!”
Surely, when we meet together, it is to offer our praises and worship to God, to wash one another’s feet from the dust of this world (refresh one another), and to hear God speak to us. Do we give Him the opportunity to do so and are we anticipating such?
May I suggest that pastors (if they have truly been ‘called’ of God) should spend much time “locked in their study”? They should put away their cell phones and other distractions, never coming out until they know they have heard from God. I want to see a man in the pulpit on Sunday whose face shines because He has met with God on the mountain top (Ex 34). It wouldn’t matter how many counseling sessions he had missed – or coffee with other pastors – if he had met with his Lord and heard from Him.
May I further suggest than many pastors haven’t been ‘called’ by God? O, they are good men, seeing a need and trying to fill it, but it is Christ who gave pastors (and evangelists, prophets, teachers, etc – Eph 4) to His bride. Precious gifts to one greatly loved, and not men’s appointments. Those who enter the ministry without the Great Shepherd’s calling, are ‘thieves and robbers’ (John 10). Why should He put His anointing on those who are working in areas He has not called them to? Jesus knew what He was anointed to do and He did just that even though John the Baptist had another agenda for Him. (Luke 4:18/Matt 11:5, 6).
Elisha cried out “Where is the God of Elijah?” We might well cry out, “Where are the Elijahs of God?”
Read my book Soar Like the Eagle (esp. Chs.9, 10) on the web page.
One could equally comment about the lack of evident anointing in worship. How can so many of our ‘worship’ leaders today take us into the throne room of God to worship the Lamb when they have never been there themselves in preparation?